Compliance for Chemicals services
Strategic consulting – REACH compliance for your company
European chemicals legislation poses an enormous challenge, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The requirements can vary greatly depending on the operation, sector, or products.
Even for similar requirements it often makes sense to use completely different solutions. Compliance for Chemicals analyses your specific situation and then reviews the available options, providing you with a strategy tailored to your company.
Do you want to be sure that your company is already “REACH compliant”?
Let us audit you! As part of a system audit, we critically review your procedures, management tools, and documentation. We can explain to you whether they are suitable to ensure “Chemical Compliance”.
At the end of the audit, you’ll receive a report with all relevant requirements from REACH/CLP and connected acts. Furthermore, you’ll receive an evaluation of your implementation and recommendations for improvement if required.
Products: Strategic Consulting, Audit Chemicals Legislation
Registration, evaluation, and authorisation –
REACH Compliance for your Chemicals
In many cases, an own registration is a prerequisite to keep your key products on the market. For this reason, many companies have registered their substances with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) during the transition period. However, this is only the first step.
Registrants must check their dossiers regularly and update if necessary. ECHA has set up related programmes and this way increase the pressure on all registrants to comply with this obligation.
Compliance for Chemicals looks back on 10 years of registration experience. We can provide you with optimal support, not only for your new registrations, but also by evaluating and adapting your existing dossiers.
This applies to both lead registrants and to the members of a joint registration. We are very familiar with tools such as IUCLID 6, REACH-IT, Chesar, and ECETOC TRA.
Would you like to manufacture or import a new substance?
But you’re unable to estimate whether the investment in registration will be profitable in the end? We can evaluate if a temporary exemption from the registration referring to product and process-oriented research and development (PPORD) is applicable. We can also help you submit an appropriate PPORD-notification to ECHA if necessary.
Do you use substances subject to REACH Annexe XIV authorisation?
An application for authorisation is much more complex and generally more expensive than registration. Therefore, other options should be carefully considered beforehand.
We will not only advise you in the development of an appropriate strategy for dealing with substances subject to authorisation. If necessary, we support you in compiling the application and selecting the necessary experts , as well as in arranging cooperating with other applicants.
Products: Registration, PPORD application, authorisation application, substance evaluation, strategic consultation, seminars
Beobachtung stoffbezogener Regelungen – REACH Monitoring for your Chemicals
Substance-related regulatory activities of the authorities in the European Union are relatively transparent. In some processes, comments by stakeholders during a public consultation are explicitly desired. This includes
● the harmonised classification and labelling under CLP
● the identification of substances of very high concern (SVHC)
● restrictions (REACH Annexe XVII)
● authorisation (REACH Annexe XIV)
● the derivation of EU-wide binding occupational exposure limits.
Companies with a research and development department should consider more than just the applicable laws, especially when selecting substances and materials. Regulations under discussion should also always be taken into consideration for long-term success
We monitor and record for you how selected substances are discussed by public bodies at European level. With Compliance for Chemicals, you can assess the impact of future regulations at an early stage. We show you where appropriate arguments can be fed into the discussion process.
Product: Regulatory substance monitoring, strategic consultation, substance evaluation, seminars
Monitoring substance-related regulation –
REACH Monitoring for your Chemicals
Substance-related regulatory activities of the authorities in the European Union are relatively transparent. In some processes, comments by stakeholders during a public consultation are explicitly desired. This includes
● the harmonised classification and labelling under CLP
● the identification of substances of very high concern (SVHC)
● restrictions (REACH Annexe XVII)
● authorisation (REACH Annexe XIV)
● the derivation of EU-wide binding occupational exposure limits.
Companies with a research and development department should consider more than just the applicable laws, especially when selecting substances and materials. Regulations under discussion should also always be taken into consideration for long-term success
We monitor and record for you how selected substances are discussed by public bodies at European level. With Compliance for Chemicals, you can assess the impact of future regulations at an early stage. We show you where appropriate arguments can be fed into the discussion process.
Product: Regulatory substance monitoring, strategic consultation, substance evaluation, seminars
Risk communication in the chemical supply chain –
REACH Adequate Control
The registration of chemicals, like their classification and labelling, is not an end in itself. Findings from these processes must be passed on to the supply chain. They must be prepared in such a way that users can adequately control the risks involved in handling the chemicals.
Hazard is not the same as risk. Even substances with hazardous properties can be handled safely in many processes when the exposure to humans and the environment is adequately controlled.
Exposure scenarios provided as an appendix to the extended Safety Data Sheet (eSDS), are intended to describe the necessary conditions and risk management measures for each use.
Extracting important information from the exposure scenarios
Compliance for Chemicals is very familiar with the systematics and language of the so called use descriptor system. Despite the complexity, this enables a certain degree of standardisation.
We’ll help you understand this language. You’ll be able to extract important information from the exposure scenarios and apply it to your operations.
Even if you create your own (e)SDSs, we can support you in this process. We translate the relevant information from the Chemical Safety Report into exposure scenarios for the supply chain or for the safe use of mixtures (safe use of mixture information = SUMI).
Products: Seminars, workshops, DU-CSR, creation of exposure scenarios
Substances in articles –
REACH Compliance for your Products
Manufacturers and importers of articles are also subject to the REACH Regulation. Although registration is only required in a few cases, the information requirements on contained substances of very high concern (SVHC) present an increasing challenge.
This will be further increased by the obligation to notify articles to the SCIP database which goes into effect from 2021. SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) and results from the Waste Framework Directive.
Compliance for Chemicals supports you in fulfilling your specific obligations. We identify affected articles and substances to develop an appropriate strategy for communicating with all actors in the supply chain and notifying to ECHA. We can also carry out the SCIP notification for you if necessary.
Products: Strategic consulting, seminars, notification on SVHC in articles, SCIP notification