Kerstin Heitmann
Compliance with chemicals legislation
European companies are subject to extensive and complex obligations under chemicals legislation. As a consultant with many years of experience, I identify the relevant requirements for a wide range of operations and products. I then work together with the companies concerned to develop practical solutions.
Since the REACH Regulation entered into force, I have evaluated, registered, notified, or compiled applications for authorisation for companies from various sectors. A large portion of my work involves metals and metal compounds.
The goal of the legislation is to ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment while improving competitiveness and innovation. Keeping this in mind is a prerequisite for providing optimum support to my customers.

Yvonne Broszonn
About Yvonne
My extensive experience in management consulting in the areas of procurement and logistics has enabled me to develop a deep understanding of complex supply chains.
My expertise lies particularly in the areas of metals, microplastics and PFAS. These topics are not only of global relevance, but also require precise knowledge of the current legal framework. With in-depth knowledge and a focus on sustainable solutions, I support you in developing an understanding of these topics within your own company and in fulfilling legal requirements. This not only fulfils the goal of ensuring compliance, but also has a positive impact on the environment and society.
Within the framework of REACH, I can support my knowledge in the creation and processing of dossiers. My focus is on the two central tools, REACH-IT and IUCLID. These software solutions play a crucial role in the management of data and information related to chemical substances. While REACH-IT acts as a centralised system for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals, allowing companies to submit registration dossiers electronically and track the status of applications, IUCLID is specifically designed for the preparation and processing of dossiers in accordance with REACH requirements. My expertise in the efficient use of these tools enables me to support companies in providing the necessary information and meeting the regulatory requirements, thus making a positive contribution to regulatory compliance.
Chemical Compliance
“Chemical Compliance” also means thinking outside the box. New legal challenges must be detected early on in order to incorporate them and enable sustainable product development on the market.
After all, European chemicals legislation is not rigid structure. Further developments are related to legal provisions for individual substances, for example classification, restriction, and authorisation. New or more stringent general requirements are added. I follow up these developments and discuss them with my extensive interdisciplinary network.

Discussing and cooperating on questions of chemicals legislation
Discussing issues relating to chemicals legislation is my daily business which I pursue with passion. I’ve been involved with REACH, CLP and Co. since 2001 when the first drafts for a new European chemicals legislation were developed.
As early as 2003 and 2005, I participated in pilot trials based on the first REACH drafts, the results of which had an impact on the adopted legal text. But even today REACH is still a learning system. There are many implementation issues to which there is no simple answer.
In my consultancy work, I can draw on many “best-practice” examples. However, it is also apparent that company-wide solutions and cooperation agreements are becoming increasingly important. This is where I am a moderator and a coordinator.

Yvonne Broszonn
Über Yvonne
Durch meine umfassenden Erfahrungen aus der Unternehmensberatung in den Bereichen Beschaffung und Logistik konnte ich ein tiefes Verständnis für komplexe Lieferketten entwickeln.
Meine Expertise liegt insbesondere auf den Bereichen Metalle, Mikroplastik und PFAS. Diese Themen sind nicht nur von globaler Relevanz, sondern erfordern auch präzise Kenntnisse des aktuellen rechtlichen Rahmens. Mit fundiertem Wissen und einen Fokus auf nachhaltige Lösungen unterstütze ich dabei, ein Verständnis für diese Themen im eigenen Unternehmen aufzubauen und gesetzliche Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Dadurch wird nicht nur das Ziel die Compliance zu gewährleisten erfüllt, sondern auch ein positiver Einfluss auf die Umwelt und die Gesellschaft auszuüben.
Im Rahmen von REACH kann ich mit meinen Kenntnissen in der Erstellung und Bearbeitungen von Dossiers unterstützen. Dabei liegt mein Fokus auf den beiden zentralen Tools, REACH-IT und IUCLID. Diese Softwarelösungen spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verwaltung von Daten und Informationen im Zusammenhang mit chemischen Stoffen. Während REACH-IT als zentrales System für die Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung von Chemikalien fungiert und Unternehmen ermöglicht, die Registrierungsdossiers elektronisch einzureichen und den Status der Anträge zu verfolgen, ist IUCLID speziell für die Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Dossiers gemäß den Anforderungen von REACH entwickelt worden. Meine Kompetenz in der effizienten Nutzung dieser Tools ermöglicht es mir, Unternehmen dabei zu unterstützen, die erforderlichen Informationen bereitzustellen und den regulatorischen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, und somit einen positiven Beitrag zur Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben zu leisten.